Francesco Bertacchini

Topigs - Italy Author

Francesco Bertacchini, graduated in Animal Production Sciences with a score of 110/110 with honours. For several years he worked as the person in charge of pig rearing, first on a 600-sow farm and later on a 1,500-sow farm. Since 2005 he is working for Topigs Italia, a world leader company in the field of swine genetics, where he actually is a Technical Director. He has collaborated with the University of Bologna, in the Leonardo Project, for the development of pig production through the professional training of staff that is already working in the sector.

He has participated, as a lecturer, in several conferences in Italy and abroad.

He is the author of several articles for the main magazines on pig production at a national level. He currently writes regularly for the magazine Rivista di Suinicoltura. He has contributed as an author and/or coauthor in some scientific articles published in the proceedings of the IPVS (International Pig Veterinary Society) of Birmingham (1998) and Hamburg (2004).

Together with Dr. Campani he has written the Manuale di allevamento suino (Pig production manual) published by Edagricole in 2001. This Manual has been rewritten and divided in 3 volumes, of which 2 (the first and the third) were published in 2013, whilst the second volume is currently in press.

Updated CV 15-Nov-2016

2 Like3 Comments
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11-Dec-2016francesco-bertacchiniThe sows are bred in crates and then moved to the pens after 24 to 48 hours from last insemination. They are housed individually from weaning until service.
I think that your point could be interesting when you suggest to wean directly into groups and then after confining for the oestrus period return sows to the same group.
I will suggest a trial for sure.

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