Francisco A. García Vázquez
University of Murcia - Spain AuthorVeterinary Medicine, University of Murcia (2002). In 2005 he earned a master's degree in "Biology and Technology of Mammalian Reproduction" and he obtained the European Doctor degree in Veterinary Medicine from the aforementioned University in 2007.
He has been a professor at the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Murcia since 2007. He is a member of the research group "Physiology of Reproduction".
He has carried out investigations in different international universities, such as the University of Baja California (Mexico), the University of Okayama (Japan), the Universities of Bologna and Pisa (Italy), and the Universities of Michigan State and Massachusetts (USA). He has received different awards for his investigations. His investigations are focused, mainly, on artificial insemination in pigs, sperm selection in the female genital tract, and the sperm capacitation signs, among other topics.
He has contributed with several research articles published in prestigious international journals, and with many book chapters. He has presented more than 100 lectures in national and international congresses. He has also supervised several research studies (PhD and Msc theses). He has collaborated in different research projects at a regional, national and European level, and he is also in charge of different investigation contracts with private companies. Author of several patents related to reproductive biotechnology.
Updated CV 01-Mar-2022