Gerald Carlyle Shurson
University of Minnesota - United States AuthorEducation
1986 Ph.D. Michigan State University Major: Animal Science – Swine Nutrition
1983 M.S. Michigan State University Major: Animal Science – Swine Nutrition
1981 B.S. University of Minnesota Major: Animal Science & Ag. Economics
Professional Experience
1998-present Professor Dept. of Animal Science, Univ. of MN
1998-01 Swine Center Director University of Minnesota
1992-98 Associate Professor Dept. of Animal Science, Univ. of MN
1990-92 Assistant Professor Dept. of Animal Science, Univ. of MN
1986-90 Assistant Professor Dept. of Animal Science, Ohio State Univ.
1981-86 Asst. Ext. Swine Specialist/Grad. Res. Asst. Dept. Animal Science, MSU
Professional Leadership and Service
1981-present Member – American Society of Animal Science
1986-present Reviewer of scientific publications and grant proposals for several journals and granting agencies
1995-1999 Director – Midwest Section of the American Society of Animal Science and American Dairy Science
Association Board
2002-2005 President - Midwest Section of the American Society of Animal Science
2012 Invited Reviewer – National Research Council, National Academies of Science, “Nutrient Requirements of Swine”
1995 Outstanding Extension Specialist Award – Midwest Section, American Society of Animal Science and American Dairy Science Association
1999 Outstanding Teacher Award – College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Science Student Board, University of Minnesota
2012 Award of Excellence – highest award given by the U.S. ethanol industry for corn co-product research, technical advising, and international market development
2014 Non-ruminant Nutrition Research Award – award sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association for outstanding research and scientific contributions to the U.S. and international feed industry
Updated CV 15-Mar-2018