Giampietro Sandri
Swine veterinarian at Gruppo Veronesi - Italy AuthorEducation
Date: 1976 - Dec 1981. Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Parma.
Degree and marks: Veterinarian, thesis entitled "Porcine stress syndrome".
Main areas of interest: Swine pathology and production.
Name of the institution: Istituto di Clinica Medica (Veterinarian Internal Medicine Institute), Faculty of Veterinary Science; University of Parma, Italy.
Work experience
Date: May 1983 - present
Occupation: Veterinarian in the swine sector. Currently he is Swine Production Health Director.
Activity and main responsibility: Full-time job at Agricola Tre Valli, Gruppo Veronesi since 1983. The 100% of his professional activity is dedicated to swine production. Currently he is the Health Director of the swine department. Among his main responsibilities we find:
• Design of the production flows according to the health state.
• Implementation of biosafety measures in the different levels of the chain.
• Design and implementation of procedures for the health surveillance and eradication of diseases.
• Searching and keeping relationships with public and private laboratories, universities, investigation centres, and national and regional health institutions.
• Counselling for external clients.
• Guidance in the production system for the careful use of antibiotics.
• Organizing the continuing education of the group comprised of veterinarians, technicians and staff.
Regular presenter/speaker in scientific meetings and lectures, and in courses for swine veterinarians (postgraduate studies and continuing education) and producers.
Scientific organisations and recognitions
• 1989–1994 (1st term of office): Member of the board of directors of SIPAS (Società Italiana Patologia e Allevamento Suini = Swine Pathology and Rearing Italian Society).
• Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the XIVth IPVS Congress held in Bologna and Member of the International Pig Veterinary Society.
• Member of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) since 1990, and of the British Pig Veterinary Society (PVS) since 1993. • 1999-2006 (2nd term of office): Member of the board of directors of SIPAS, with the post of vice-president.
• "Porco Bravo" prize (award of the industry for the activity and investigation) in 2007.
Updated CV 12-Jun-2013