Gustavo López

University of Minnesota - Venezuela Author

Gustavo Lopez is originally from Venezuela. He obtained his DVM at the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 2010 and is currently pursuing a PhD in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota.

After obtaining his DVM, he moved to Russia to work for Cherkizovo Group, the 2nd largest pork producer in the country, with an overall of 80,000 sows in production. In Cherkizovo, he performed different roles such as: Regional production manager, Wean to Finish production manager, Head of health and genetic services.

During the 6 years he worked in Russia he participated in disease eradication programs for diseases like PRRS, APP and Swine dysentery. He improved the genetic program of the company by increasing gilt development quality and boar stud management practices. He also has firsthand experience with prevention and containment of ASF outbreaks.

Gustavo joined the University of Minnesota in 2017 to work on a PhD. He is currently focusing his research on Influenza A virus under the supervision of Dr. Montserrat Torremorell. He was recently granted the Carlos Pijoan Graduate Student Fellowship in Swine Medicine.

Updated CV 18-Apr-2019

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