Hank Harris

Iowa State University - United States Author

Professor Emeritus at Iowa State University, where he worked for more than 34 years.

He received DVM (1967) and PhD (1970) degrees from Iowa State University. He was Chairman of the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Preventive Medicine from 1992 to 1997.  While at the university, Harris founded two companies, NOBL Laboratories (later sold to Boeringer Ingleheim) and Harrisvaccines (later sold to Merck Animal Health in 2015). He has been a consultant to companies in over 30 countries and has worked in the industry as a consultant or full-time for over 21 years. He has published more than 100 scientific papers and a book titled "Multisite Pig Production."

Harris co-founded Genvax Technologies Inc with his son Joel in 2021.  Genvax is an mRNA/nanoparticle animal vaccine company located in Ames, Iowa.

Harris currently serves on the Board of Directors and chairs the Scientific Advisory Board of Genvax and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Genus PLC.

Dr. Harris has received numerous industry, university, and business awards, including the Distinguished Alumni Award (Iowa State University's highest award), the Stange Award for Meritorious Service (Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine's highest award), the Howard Dunne Award for service to the Swine Industry, the Henry Wallace Award for Contributions to International Agriculture and for Achievement of Economic Development in Iowa, and the Upper Midwest EY Entrepreneur of the Upper Midwest.

Updated CV 07-Jul-2023

Hank Harris is followed by 31 users
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Duván Argüello Meat industry Duván Argüello Colombia 1 Followers
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