Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

University of Linköping, Sweden - Sweden Author

Dr. Rodriguez-Martinez is currently Professor of Reproductive Biology at the University of Linköping, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping, Sweden. Born in Spain 1950, he grew up in Montevideo, Uruguay where he got his DVM-degree in 1975, alongside his initiation as University teacher/researcher in morphology (Fellow Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 1970-1976; Associate Professor of Histology & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Montevideo 1976-1979). He is a licensed Veterinarian in Spain (1994) and Sweden (1998) the latter where he graduated (MSc 1980, PhD 1983) in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. Post-doc in the USA (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois) in 1984, he returned to SLU where he got his habilitation (Docent) in Histology (1986) and in Embryology (1998) while holding a tenure associate professorship in these subjects (1985-1991). He became Full Professor of Reproductive Biotechnology at the Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology (now Division of Reproduction), SLU, in 1991 (Dept Head 2004-2006), until moving to his current position in 2010. Doctor of Science (Spain 1994) and Founding Diplomate of the European College of Animal Reproduction (ECAR) since 1999, he has been intensively involved in undergraduate and graduate education, at national (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU, undergraduate education 1999-2001, research and postgraduate education 2002-2003) and international levels (past-vice-President and member of the Joint Education Committee of the European Association of Establishments of Veterinary Education, EAEVE, Brussels, 2003-2006 and member of the Examination Committee and Executive Board of ECAR 2001-2007). Expert visitor and officer for European (TAIEX, EAEVE) and international agencies (IAEA), he has been Director of Mobility and Research Programs with Canada (EU/1997-2000), Japan (STINT/1997-2002), Indonesia and Thailand (EU/2002-2006). Active researcher in reproductive biotechnology, diagnostic andrology and cryobiology, he has a genuine interest in sperm-tubal-oocyte interactions, well documented with a profuse track-record (authored more than 400 original papers and reviews). Prof Rodriguez-Martinez has tutored 46 graduate students to degree and serves as international reviewer for many non-Swedish granting agencies. He also acts as Editor-in-Chief of “Reproduction in Domestic Animals” (Wiley-Blackwell) since 2000. He is a member of several Academies and learned societies (Royal Academy of Medicine, Murcia Spain 2005, Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture (KSLA), Stockholm 2006, Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences, Madrid, Spain 2008, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland 2009 and Honorary Member of the Japan Society for Animal Science, Tokyo, Japan 2009).

Updated CV 07-Oct-2013

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08-Jul-2016Eaknath ChakurkarThis can be very good method for screening boars for freesibility of semen also as well as gene bank

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