Use of sensors to analyse slurry and digestate composition
A study conducted by IFIP (France) has compared three sensor methods based on near infrared spectrometry (NIRS), electrical conductivity and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry.
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Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
Environmental Footprint Calculator along the pork value chain.
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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IFIP is the technical agricultural and agro-industrial institute for Research, Development, and Innovation dedicated to the competitiveness and sustainability of the French pig industry.
Updated CV 26-Jun-2019
A study conducted by IFIP (France) has compared three sensor methods based on near infrared spectrometry (NIRS), electrical conductivity and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry.
IFIP provides a summary of the evolution of grain and oilseed crops.
How do ambient temperatures below thermoneutrality affect pig performance and environmental efficiency?
Consumption is falling except in Germany and Italy. This trend is explained by food insecurity and ready-to-eat products.
All livestock sectors are seeking to reduce imports of raw protein materials. Insect meals belong to the category of concentrated protein sources, but their nutritional characteristics are poorly documented and attempts to incorporate them into swine feed have been the subject of few publications.
The consequences of suspending castration on the rate of destructured hams are poorly understood. An IFIP study shows the frequency of this defect is around 19%.
It is a matter of considering animal welfare, workplace ergonomics, respect for the environment, and societal expectations.
The outlook for 2024 will depend on the dynamics of the main producers: China, the European Union, the United States, and Brazil.
European, Brazilian, and American pork exporters compete not only for China but also for Japan and Korea.
In 2022, high feed prices pushed up the cost of pig production in all countries, with an average increase of 27%.
The working collective units and processing methods at the European level have been inventoried by country and by process.
In France, the ban on castration of pigs without pain relief, i.e. without anesthesia, has been in force since January 1, 2022, and this has led to the production of entire male pigs. The main difficulty with this type of production lies in the risk of unpleasant odors being present in the meat from these animals.
Every 10 years, the Agricultural Census provides a snapshot of French agriculture. In 2020, metropolitan France had 389,779 farms (-20% in 10 years).
This article provides an example of the cost per ton of CO2 saved by reducing direct greenhouse gas emissions through daily slurry removal and anaerobic digestion.
Against a background of rising commodity prices, European pig farmers are reducing their production, which will lead to a decrease in supply on the hog market in 2023 and to prices remaining at high levels.
In 2021, pig producers' economic performance was hindered due to higher production costs (+14.9% on average) while prices received fell throughout Europe, except in Italy. Results were negative in 12 of the countries compared to only 5 of them in 2020.
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