Jacqueline Springer

University of Illinois - United States Author

Jacqueline Springer is a freshman at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign majoring in Animal Science. She is from a small town in central Illinois where she grew up raising pigs and sheep and was involved in 4-H and FFA. On campus she is involved with the pre-vet club, Orange Krush, Block I, and her sorority. Her interests include beef cattle, swine, and sheep. She plans to go to veterinarian school or get her PhD, furthering her studies in production animals.

Updated CV 28-Apr-2022

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31-Aug-2022pig333The author, Robert Knox, says:
It depends upon what the historic gestation length is for the genetics on every farm. And also depends upon the calculations for first day of gestation and how they calculate expected farrow date (is it 115 or 116 days?). If they use the first day of service as gestation day 1, induction before day 112 is not recommended under any scenarios and it can cause issues for piglets and sows. Day 112 is still too early, but no data to show it is harmful. I would think that the earlier, the farrowing induction is done (112, 113 days) the more likely the reproductive tract is less primed for dilation and muscle contractions, and the pigs slightly less robust for breathing. I would induce 114-115-116

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