Jeremy Ho
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Hong Kong SAR Government - Hong Kong AuthorAfter graduating in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from National Taiwan University in 2013, Dr. Jeremy Ho joined the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government as a veterinary officer in 2014.
Dr. Ho has worked in the Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory since 2014 focusing on works related to molecular diagnostics and veterinary pathology.
In 2018, Dr. Ho was seconded to work in the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Regional Representation for Asia Pacific in Tokyo for around 5 months to assist in various regional events. After his return to Hong Kong, he was subsequently posted to the Animal Health Division in AFCD in 2020 to oversee the local pig farms in Hong Kong.
During the African swine fever (ASF) outbreak in a pig farm of Hong Kong reported in February 2020, Dr. Ho was the field veterinarian in charge of the culling and disposal operations, as well as subsequent restocking and other follow-up actions.
From 2020 – 2021, Dr. Ho has also worked with the City University of Hong Kong as a consultancy team member and contributed in the development and the publication of the World Organization for Animal Health compartmentalization guidelines for ASF and the Food and Agriculture Organization guidelines for ASF prevention and control in smallholder pig farming in Asia.
Updated CV 12-Jan-2022