Jesse Goff

Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine - United States Author


Professor- Biomedical Sciences.  Conduct research on calcium regulating hormones and their analogs, with emphasis on non-traditional roles for these hormones in animal and human health.  Currently examining potential of vitamin D analogs to prevent/treat cancer and immune mediated disease.  Also pursuing research to develop methods to improve immune function in the dairy cow around the time of calving to prevent diseases such as mastitis, metritis and retained placenta.

President – GlycoMyr, Inc..  Company located in the ISU Research Park to commercialize novel metabolites of vitamin D for use in animal and human health. 

Past Position Descriptions

West Central Cooperative: Director of Research & Development  - responsible for research to develop new and improved nutritional supplements for dairy cows and to provide technical support to nutritionists, veterinarians, and producers using the products.

USDA-ARS, National Animal Disease Center; conducted research on metabolic diseases of animals and the effect these diseases had on infectious disease resistance, with emphasis on dairy cows.  Also did basic and applied research on milk fever and other mineral disorders of dairy, swine and poultry.  Last 4 years with USDA I served as Research Leader of the Periparturient Diseases of Cattle Research Unit. 


1984-86  Iowa State University, Ames, IA (Ph.D.).
Majors:  Veterinary Physiology (Physiol. Pharm Dept) and Nutritional Physiology (Animal Science)
1980-84  Iowa State University, Ames, IA (D.V.M.)
1978-80  Iowa State University, Ames, IA (M.S.)
  Major:  Veterinary Physiology
1973-77  Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (B.S.)
  Major:  Microbiology


1997-2001 Served on the National Research Council Committee to revise and update the book “Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle”.
2001-2003  Served on the Committee on Animal Nutrition, National Research Council, National Academy of Science.
2003-2006   Served on the National Research Council Committee to revise and update the book “Mineral Tolerances of Domesticated Animals.”

Updated CV 29-Jun-2013

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Multiple distal rib fractures with callus formation (arrows).

Vitamin D deficiency syndromes in swine (I)

Vitamin D is normally produced following skin exposure to ultraviolet-B. Since most piglets (and humans too!) are raised in climate controlled housing and born year-round, direct access to sunshine is often limited, even in the summer. Fortunately, vitamin D can be added to diets to meet the animals' need for vitamin D.

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02-Aug-2013Salomi Iriwainavulawell, now that the disease is.. don't people think this is a major loss in the swine's industry.???

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