Joaquín Morales
ADA - Animal Data Analytics - Spain AuthorHe was born in Barcelona in 1973 and graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 1996. Afterwards he obtained his PhD in Veterinary Medicine in 2002 from the aforementioned University, in the Animal Nutrition and Feeding Department and under the direction of Dr. José Francisco Pérez and Dr. Mariola Baucells. His PhD thesis dealt with the digestive and metabolic differences for the use of different carbohydrates sources between two types of clearly differentiated genetics: the Landrace, as the representative of the white pig, and the Iberian pig.
Since then, he started to work in the R&D Deparrtment of ADA - Animal Data Analytics (PigCHAMP Pro Europa), a company located in Segovia whose activity is directed at the animal (mainly swine) production consultancy.
Currently, Joaquín is the person in charge of this R&D Department, and he is responsible for the development of projects that are financed with competitive public funds and for the experimental tests with contracts with companies of the swine sector. His main duties belong to the experimental design, the control of the development of the tests, the data analysis, the final report and, if it comes to that, the divulgation of the results in different national and international journals. As a result of these studies and of the development of his PhD thesis more than 15 international publications and more than 50 conferences in congresses have come up.
Updated CV 09-Mar-2013