John D. Mackinnon
Swine consultant - United Kingdom AuthorGraduated in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London March 1972 (Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine - BVetMed).
Admitted as Member of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons April 1972 (MRCVS).
Awarded Fellowship of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons by examination October 1983 (FRCVS). Specialist subject - ‘Use of Antibiotics in Livestock Production’.
Awarded Certificate in Pig Medicine by examination in October 1988 (CertPM).
Career to date
November 2003 – to date. Independent consultant. Clients include independent, family and corporate farming enterprises, the pharmaceutical industry, the feed industry and various organizations involved with the pig industry. Advisory work is carried out in various European countries as well as in the UK, especially Spain and Italy. Areas of involvement include disease control, disease eradication, production troubleshooting, assessment of data and preparation of technical reports, monitoring field safety and efficacy studies under GCP and GLP conditions and legal work.
Following practice merger in 1996, one of eight partners in a 15-man mixed veterinary practice.
Partner in specialist pig veterinary practice 1987-96.
European Research Team Leader, Lilly Research Laboratories (Division of Eli Lilly & Co) 1982-87.
Manager, Technical Services, as above, 1978-82.
Veterinary Adviser, Elanco Animal Health (Division of Eli Lilly & Co) 1974-78.
Assistant Veterinary Surgeon in mixed animal practice, Berkshire 1973-74.
Assistant Veterinary Surgeon in small animal practice, North London 1972-73.
Professional offices held
Executive Committee member of Pig Veterinary Society intermittently 1975 to date.
Honorary Treasurer, Pig Veterinary Society 1977-85.
Junior Vice-President 1993-94.
Vice-President 1994-95.
President 1995-96.
Vice-Chairman, International Pig Veterinary Society 1996-98.
Chairman OIE European Working Group on Prudent Use of Antibiotics (1998-9).
Examiner for Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in Pig Medicine
Scrutineer for the Editorial Board of The Veterinary Record
Director and Chairman IPVS (98) Trust Ltd. 1999-2004 (Now closed)
Director Moredun Scientific Ltd. (Division of The Moredun Foundation)
Updated CV 16-Feb-2011