Josep Bragulat
Agrocat Cooperative - Spain AuthorHe graduated in Veterinary Medicine/Science from the UAB in 1996.
In 1996 he worked at Biotecnal for 6 months performing audits of a beef quality program.
In 1997 the carried out a training program at PIC conducted by Barceló and Marco.
On that same year, he started to work for a veterinary business (Agropecuaria del Bages), that was a distributor for Hipra, Roche and Calier, until 2002. At the same time, the worked, during weekends, as an Official Veterinarian at an abattoir.
In 2002, and up to now, he became a part of the technical team at the Agrocat Cooperative, in Central Catalonia, providing veterinary services at the cooperative partners' farms.
Updated CV 27-Aug-2018
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