Juan Manuel Herrero

Genetic Service Manager PIC Spain - Spain Author

He graduated with a degree in veterinary medicine from the University of Murcia in 2007 and joined the genetics division of the Department of Animal Production at the University of Murcia, participating in several research projects. In this first stage of his professional career, he completed the degrees of Master in Biotechnology of Swine Reproduction (2008) and Master in Professional and Scientific Swine Production (2009) at the University of Murcia. In 2009 Juan Manuel received the research grant "Genetic Characterization of the Chato Murciano breed" which resulted in his first doctoral thesis. In the summer of the same year, Juan Manuel moved to The Netherlands to join the Animal Breeding and Genomics Center (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) where he prepared and defended his second doctoral thesis entitled "Conservation genetics of local and wild pig populations: insight in genetic diversity and demographic history" (Wageningen University, 2013).

Updated CV 04-Nov-2022

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30-Nov-2022oatlands1Epic read thank you for the insight. Will forward to my crew in dry sow. Legend stuff.

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