Katrin Strutzberg-Minder
IVD GmbH - Germany AuthorProfessional career
1987-1993 Biology studies at the University of Hanover
1993 Diploma
1996 Doctorate
1996-1997 Scientific assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin (advanced training scholarship of the Max Planck Society)
1998 Scientific assistant at IVD GmbH
1999 Managing Director of IVD GmbH together with veterinarian Dr. vet. med. Matthias Homuth
Since 2012 Managing Partner of IVD GmbH together with Dr. vet. med. Matthias Homuth and industrial manager Jens-Peter Minder
Main Interests:
- Diagnostics of infectious diseases in swine and horse
- Leptospires, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Glaeserella parasuis, Mycoplasma, PRRSV, Influenza viruses
- Epidemiology
Main areas of work:
- Scientific project development, management and supervision
- Diagnostic consulting
- Content maintenance and further development of the in-house laboratory information system (LIMS)
- Scientific analyses incl. epidemiological questions
Scientific organizations:
EAPHM (European Association of Porcine Health Management)
EAVLD (European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians)
ELS & ILS (European and International Leptospirosis Society)
DVG Division of Epidemiology and Documentation
DVG Division of Bacteriology and Mycology
Updated CV 10-May-2022