Kazimierz Tarasiuk
PIC - Poland AuthorDr. Kazimierz Tarasiuk graduated from the Veterinary Faculty of the Agriculture University at Lublin, Poland. Right after graduation he has started his research career in Swine Diseases Department of the National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy. He has been working there for 15 years. His major research interest there was to develop diagnostic techniques of some of the major swine bacterial pathogens including Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Brachyspira hyodysenteriae.
In 1988 he completed his PhD project and continued his career over by October 1997. In the same year he obtained his Doctor of Science Degree becoming the Associate Professor. Working in the National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy he published many papers either in Polish or international magazines. He developed his research position collaborating and visiting research centers in Europe and in the US.
At the end of 1997 he took a position at PIC (Pig Improvement Company) as a veterinary manager responsible for health assurance and health service in Central and Eastern European countries including Poland, Czech Rep., Romania, Bulgaria, Baltic States, Ukraine and Russia. During these years he has been primarily involved in establishing and implementing of health assurance program as well as biosecurity measures in PIC multiplication farms. He has been implementing the modern technology in disease control and eradication, where it was necessary and possible, particularly in PIC customer’s farms.
In October 2015 he started his career at the University Centre of Veterinary Medicine of the Jagiellonian University and Agriculture University in Krakow. He took a position of the University Professor to be involved in teaching of the infectious diseases as well as public health. His major science interest there is a development of the methods allowing for better understanding of the infectious diseases transmission within the species as well as between different species of animals.
Updated CV 09-Oct-2017