Leandro Trindade
Farm Leaders and Teams - Brazil AuthorProfessional background
Veterinarian, graduated from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco in 2003.
Licensed teacher by the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, for teaching adults and rural workers, in 2005.
Post-graduate degree in Strategic People Management and Organizational Psychology from Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, in 2016.
Graduate in People Management in the Rural Sector at the educational institution CNA - National Confederation of Agriculture.
Specialist and MBA in Evolutionary Leadership, by Caring Community, in 2021.
Personal and Leadership Coach by the Brazilian Coaching Society, São Paulo, in 2014.
Master in Neurolinguistic Programming by the Brazilian Institute of NLP Magui Guimarães, in 2016.
He has more than 15 years of experience in the swine industry.
Currently he is a mentor of Farm Leaders and Teams and the Creator of the GLP Method - Good Leadership Practices, development of Farm Leaders and Intersui Consultant Technical Agent Agroceres Multimix.
Updated CV 24-Aug-2021