Lluís Fabà

Trouw Nutrition R&D - Spain Author

Born in 1989 in Tàrrega (Lleida), Spain. He completed his training in Veterinary Medicine in 2012 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He worked as a farmer on a sow farm and in ANDRIMNER Ibérica in Denmark. In 2014 he continued his studies with the interuniversity Master in Swine Health and Production taught at the University of Lleida (UdL) and subsequently completed his PhD thesis on feeding strategies in gilt development at the Autonomous University of Barcelona at the Animal Nutrition and Welfare Service of the UAB (SNiBA). He is currently working as a senior researcher at Trouw Nutrition R&D as part of the swine team at the Swine Research Center in Boxmeer, The Netherlands.

Lluís has worked on and/or published papers and scientific communications for international congresses on various swine topics. His expertise includes knowledge on raw material and feed variability, management and nutrition of the growing and producing sow, PRRSV, Salmonella, E. coli, Lawsonia intracellularis and its relation to the nutritional status of the pig and/or the use of dietary strategies, contamination of raw materials with viruses (e.g. ASFV) and the use of additives and quantitative nutrition and physiology of the sow. In his current position as a researcher, he focuses mainly on piglet nutrition, the relationship between swine diseases and nutrition, and also to a lesser extent on supporting sow nutrition projects at Trouw Nutrition R&D.

Updated CV 24-Jan-2023

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25-Nov-2021david-saornilExcellent article, Lluis! Within the nutritional strategies, management of weaning oxidative stress is also very important, as stress factors are triggering the spread and pathogenicity of Streptococcus Suis. We have very positive field experience on this topic applying a primary antioxidant in the pre- and post-weaning piglet diet to keep control of the oxidative stress.
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15-Oct-2019wenhui-quPlant extracts is probably useful, but we can not know which components paly a major role, and we're not even sure if there are harmful ingredients.
Macroscopic view of a knee joint with a severe osteochondrosis lesion in the lateral femoral condyle.

Lameness and nutrition

This article reviews the effect of components of the diet on the bones and osteochondrosis, this being the main caused of lameness and a reason for the culling of young sows. Therefore, they are important concepts to bear in mind in the diets for the rearing of gilts.

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