Lorenzo Fraile

Departament de Producció Animal, ETSEA, Universitat de Lleida - Spain Author

University courses

PhD in Veterinary Pharmacology, 1996. Facultad de Veterinaria. University of Zaragoza, Spain.
Doctor in Veterinary Medicine, 1992. Facultad de Veterinaria. University of Zaragoza, Spain.


Professional career (in chronological order)

From November 1996 to April 1997, veterinary practitioner at the company Cargill S.A in Spain.
From May 1997 to September 2004, veterinary practitioner at the company Picber S.A. This company produced 150.000 pigs by year in an integration production system in LLeida, Spain.
From 10/2004 to 10/2010 senior research scientist at the Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) that is located in Barcelona, Spain.

From 10/2010 until now, Associate Professor of the University of Lleida, Spain.


Academic experience

Supervisor of four doctoral theses in the field of PCV2 epidemiology (2009), veterinary immunology (2012), biochemistry (2013) and pharmacology (2015). Today they are running three doctoral theses more.
I have been teaching clinical pharmacology and pig pathology to veterinary students of the University Autònoma of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain since 2002.
I have been teaching therapeutics and design of clinical trials in the Master of swine health and production since 2005.


Publications and congresses

Author of 71 peer reviewed articles and 140 communications to international and national congresses.

Updated CV 01-Mar-2016

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