Lori Thomas

PIC - United States Author

Earned a BSc in Animal Science from the University of Missouri in 2013. After graduating, worked as a farrowing lead at Brenneman Pork in a new sow farm in Central Missouri. Following my time in production, I went back to school at Kansas State University obtaining my MS and PhD in swine nutrition, where my research focused on sow weight gain and feed efficiency, as well as SID Lysine requirements in gestating sows. At K-State I had fellowships with New Fashion Pork and Swine Vet Center assisting in data management, statistical, and economic analysis, as well as protocol development and implementation. After finishing my degrees, I accepted a job at Gestal, where I served as a nutrition and production specialist. Currently, I am part of the PIC Technical Service team.

Updated CV 10-Sep-2021

Lori Thomas is followed by 70 users
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