Luís Guilherme Oliveira

São Paulo State University - UNESP - Brazil Author

Veterinarian graduated from the Federal University of Paraná, master science and Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine from the São Paulo State University - UNESP (Jaboticabal - SP, Brazil). Professional experience with pig farming in the agroindustry SEARA Alimentos S.A. (Forquilhinha-SC, Brazil) and with animal health protection at the Coordination of Agricultural Defense of the São Paulo State. Currently an adjunct professor at UNESP (Jaboticabal - SP, Brazil), responsible for the Laboratory of Swine Medicine with international collaborations. He is accredited as a student advisor in the Graduate Program in Veterinary Sciences, in the master's and Ph.D. courses. Develops clinical and epidemiological research in the field and evaluations of new tools for controlling swine diseases through experimental models. Experience in the area of animal health, with emphasis on diseases of pigs, working mainly with respiratory diseases.

Updated CV 19-May-2023

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