Luis-José Romero González

MAPAMA - Spain Author

Luis-José Romero González, Chief of the Epidemiology Area of the Subdirectorate General of Animal Health and Hygiene and Traceability of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment (MAPAMA). 

Luis-José Romero González graduated in Veterinary Medicine/Science from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), specialising in Animal Medicine and Health, and Health and Food Science.  He is a part of the National Veterinary Group since 1991, his first post being as a Superior Laboratory Technician N24 at the Animal Health Laboratory in Barcelona, where developed his work in the Virology and Serology Department. 

In 1994 he joined the Animal Health Investigation Centre (CISA) at Valdeolmos (Madrid), pertaining to the INIA (National Institute for Agricultural Research), as Chief of the New Developments and Crops Section P-3, carrying out activities as the National and World Reference Centre for Infectious Diseases, with tasks in the field of the development of new diagnostic techniques, the production of reagents and the confirmation of the laboratory results within the surveillance, control and eradication programs developed by the Ministry of Agriculture against several diseases. 

In year 2003 he joined The Subdirectorate General of Animal Health (SGSHAT), at the MAPAMA, where he currently holds the post of Chief of the Epidemiology Area, carrying the tasks related to the coordination of this area, among them: 

  • Coordination of the actions in case of health alerts or emergencies regarding diseases included in the List of Notifiable Diseases of the WOAH/OIE and the EU, carrying out organisation, coordination and control tasks within the Veterinary Alert System. 
  • Coordination of the writing of health situation reports, epidemiologic studies, recommendations and the prevention of veterinary health risks. 
  • Coordination of the development of national alert plans and handbooks on the actions for the fight against the diseases included in the EU List. 
  • Participation in projects for the control and eradication of diseases included in the old WOAH/OIE List in Caribbean and Central American countries. 
  • Participation in international animal health experts' meetings. 
  • Drafting of regulations related to animal health. 

Apart from several publications, coordinated research projects and lectures and courses taught, he is part of the Managing Board of the Spanish Animal Health Technological Platform (Vet+i) and member of the EU Emergency Veterinary Team. 

Updated CV 09-Jan-2013

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