Luís M. Sastre

Secanim - Spain Author

Luis M. Sastre Fernández was born in Olmedo (Valladolid, Spain). He graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine of Leon in 1997 with a specialty in Animal Health and Medicine. He began his professional career in Catalonia, working 6 years on dairy farms and pig farms, mainly in the province of Lérida, working in clinical, reproduction, and sanitation. He has also worked as a veterinary specialist doing appraisals for Agroseguro for cattle claims and in inspection work for Carcass Removal and Destruction Insurance policies for 4 years; as a veterinarian authorized to take samples within the detection program for animals positive for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in Grefacsa (currently Secanim) for 2 years; as an interim veterinarian of the Senior Body of the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya, assigned to the Regional Office of Segrià for 1 year; and as an instructor for the Official Veterinary Inspection Assistant Course organized by the Private Foundation of Meat Industries (FIC) together with the Department of Health and Social Security for 2 years.

Currently, and for the last 12 years, he has been working at Secanim, a company that collects and destroys farm animal carcasses, training the collection drivers and working with farmers on aspects of biosecurity and hygiene in the collection of carcasses from livestock farms in Catalonia, one of the most important pork production regions in Europe.

Updated CV 23-Feb-2021

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