Luis Miguel Ortega Mora

Complutense University of Madrid - Spain Author

Luis Miguel Ortega Mora is chairman at the Department of Animal Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Science at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and coordinator of the SALUVET (Veterinary Health and Zoonoses) investigation group. He graduated with honours in Veterinary Medicine/Science from the UCM, and obtained his Ph.D. cum laude from the same university in 1991. He has developed his professional activity in, among other centres, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Science of León (Spain), the Moredun Research Institute (UK) and the Faculty of Medicine of the New York State University (USA). He has also carried out internships in several Brazilian (UFG, UFRP), Peruvian (UNMSM), Argentinian (La Plata) and Mexican (UAA) universities.

In the research area, his studies are focused on the field of reproductive transmissible diseases, and he has participated and conducted several international (5th and 6th EU Framework Programme, COST programmes, CYTED networks, USDA and NIH projects) and national research projects. He also collaborates intensely in the R+D+i sphere with several pharmaceutical companies. He has published more than 180 research articles in selected journals included in the JCR, and several articles in non-indexed journals and popular science magazines. He is also the author of several patents.

In the field of scientific management he was advisor for the area of Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain during the 2009-2012 period; member of the scientific advisory committee of the CReSA during the 2009-2013 period; National Expert in the Challenge 2 (Bioeconomy) of the Horizon 2020 programme between 2013 and 2015; investigation and cultural dissemination spokesperson at the Governing Board of the Spanish Association of Cattle Medicine Specialists (ANEMBE) and president of its Scientific Committee between 2008 and 2016. He is member of the CODEMVET (Committee for Veterinary Drugs) of the Spanish Drug and Health Products Agency.

Updated CV 27-Oct-2016

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