Mª Angeles Latorre Górriz

University of Saragossa - Spain Author

María Ángeles Latorre Górriz has a Ph.D. in Agricultural Science from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. After working as a researcher at the CITA of Aragon (Aula Dei) and at the University Cardenal Herrera CEU of Valencia, she joined the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Science of Saragossa, where she now holds the post of Tenured Professor. She is a specialist in pig nutrition and production.

Main lines of research

    • Assessment of raw materials

    • Animal nutrition and product quality

Updated CV 24-Jul-2017

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22-Aug-2017austin-mlowokaThis is quite interesting research Manuel and Angeles especially as they are found locally and it seems sheaper compared to crop protein sources as they do breed in manure also and im interested in that and thinking beyond to the Malawi situations.

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