Productive and economic impact of pig lung lesions detected at slaughter
Detection of lung lesions in slaughtered pigs also allows estimation of economic losses.
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Marina Sibila i Vidal was born in Navàs (Barcelona) in 1975. In 1999, she obtained the bachelor’s in Science at the Biological Science Faculty of the Barcelona University (UB). In 2004, she obtained the PhD for the work entitled “Epidemiological features of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyopneumoniae) natural infection in pigs in Spain” at the Veterinary Faculty of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Since then, she is working at Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) from the Agrifood Research and Technology Institute (IRTA) as a researcher. Her research line is centered on different aspects of infection, including pathogenesis, molecular epidemiology, establishment of animal models, diagnostic tool development and control strategies assessment mainly on Mycoplasma (M) hyopneumoniae, M. hyorhinis, porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) and PCV-3 associated diseases. In the last years, she has expanded her research to study the role of the nasal microbiota on the diseases caused by pathogens that enters through the respiratory tract. As a result of these investigations, she is the author or co-author of more than 95 scientific papers published in international scientific journals and co-author of different book chapters and co-editor of a book entitled Mycoplasmas in Swine. Dr Sibila also participates in the “Master universitario en sanidad y producción porcina” given by Universidad de Lleida, Complutense de Madrid and de Zaragoza and as a co-advisor of several PhD thesis focused mainly on PCV-2, PCV-3, M. hyopneumoniae and on the role of the nasal microbiota on polyserositis problems.
Updated CV 19-May-2023
Detection of lung lesions in slaughtered pigs also allows estimation of economic losses.
Depending on the levels of maternal derived immunity, a potential interference of vaccine intake may happen, jeopardizing vaccine seroconversion and efficacy.
Collecting data at the slaughterhouse is a common method to obtain information on health and productive parameters, mainly from the last weeks of a pig’s life.
Gilt acclimation was performed in 78% surveyed European farms; vaccination, alone or combined with natural exposure to infected animals, was the main used strategy.
The average piglet birth weight from the 3 groups of vaccinated sows was statistically higher than that from the unvaccinated sows.
This article deals with the factors to be considered for deciding the optimal time of vaccination against PCV2 and shows the results of a study that evaluates the efficacy of different vaccination programs in PCV2 subclinically infected piglets.
Experimental Mhyo and PCV2 co-inoculations have resulted in somewhat divergent results.
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