Michael Agerley

Porcus - Denmark Author

As a veterinarian I consult roughly 115 farms in Denmark and several large farms/integrations in other countries, mainly in east and south Europe and Latin-America. I’m an owner at Porcus since 1 of Jan 2020. Porcus is a veterinarian company with 12 specialized pig veterinarians. At Porcus we consult 200.000 sows with production, this being 20% of the Danish market, as well as farms and integrations in Europe, Latin America and Asia. Besides consulting my clients, I do presentations and lectures internationally on pig production. I have had the honor presenting at IPVS, AASV, AMVEC, PORKCOLOMBIA amongst others. 

In 2014 I co-developed a growth tracking program for grower pigs called GainMax and I’m currently working on new software approaches to growth monitoring. In my whole career I have always had much attention on pigs in growth. In 2018 I became a farmer by taking over the family farm (9th generation) where we fatten RWA (Raised Without Antibiotics) pigs. In 2018 I became an owner at NutriSuin where we produce feed aimed at weaning piglets without antibiotics and extra zinc. 

Updated CV 25-Sep-2020

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22-Oct-2021xavier-chehriwhat do you think about the impact of post weaning production system differences such as high diarrhea cross contamination or respiratory air borninfections when all piglets are in the same barn with no separated rooms (such as posr weaning barns in Europe) ? no separation walls allowing piglets cross contamination ? need to treat the entire barn instead of on room of 200 piglets only leading to significant antibiotic over consumption ?
best regards
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16-Dec-2020GEHI am never quite sure why attention to C & D ranks so low in the list of wasy to reduce antibiotic use..? Biosecurity can be a tad vague.. Two things I would liek to see emphasised. 1) Robust cleaning regime with the use of GOOD detergent..!! not justa pressure washer.. Need to attack the biofilm.. 2) Use of the disinfectant often needs attentiontoo.. Choice? Effectiveness of the proposed disinfectant to inlcude DIFFICULT organism (Many do not) Plus Attention to Concentration and applciation rates, duration of contact. use of disinfectant onto dry surfaces to avoid dilution..
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