Miquel Collell
Merck Animal Health - United States Author• Miquel likes to say that he was born on a farm, because thanks to this family business he graduated as a veterinarian from the "Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona" (UAB). He started his professional activity at the CENTRE VETERINARI MANLLEU (CVM), where his uncle Joan Collell Serra taught him everything he knows today. From 1991 to 1994 he started to fit together his work at the CVM with the work in the training of farmers (ZOE institute). Between 1994 and 1995 (a year before joining B&M), he spends a long period in the USA learning beside different professionals to whom he is very grateful (Steve Terlow, Jim Dick, Paul Ruen, Clark Huinker, Tim Loula, Paul Yeske, Mike Mohr, Darwin Reicks. Bob Morrison, Han Soo Joo, Carlos Pijoan, G. Geiger, Neil De Buse, Maxime Balazs, Cándido Pomar). In 1996 he joined B&M, being a partner of Jose Barceló Bonada and Enric Marco Granell. In 2006, together with Enric, they founded Marco i Collell. In 2013 he joins Merck as Global Technical Director Swine.
• Restless as no one else, he recognizes that the nights he spent awake looking after her first daughter forced him to surf the Internet and to suggest to their former partners (Josep and Enric) the creation of a website dedicated to swine: 3tres3.com. Currently he is not a partner of this website. He also played a very active role in the carrying out of the curriculum of the Sus Scrofa Foundation.
• He is member of various organizational committees (Europorc, MSc in Swine at the University of Lleida, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Saragossa and EXPOAVIGA).
• He has been a speaker at more than 60 congresses, courses and conferences, and has published many articles.
Updated CV 18-Mar-2013