Núria Alòs Saiz

Computer Engineer at IRTA - Spain Author

Núria Alòs Saiz is a Computer Engineer working in the Genetics and Animal Breeding Program at IRTA. Since she joined IRTA in 1999, she has been responsible for the management of the Spanish Pig Reference Data Bank (BDporc). Among the tasks she has been carrying out are the design and implementation of the current database that stores the information of the participating pig farms, the analysis and design of the standard data entry format in the current BDporc system from different swine management programs, the development of specific computer applications, the regular calculation of KPIs and the preparation of reports of results for the participating companies, as well as the analysis and maintenance of the current BDporc web page (www.BDporc.irta.es).

Updated CV 17-Nov-2023

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