Pedro E. Urriola
University of Minnesota - United States AuthorEducation
Ph.D., Animal Science/Swine Nutrition, University of Illinois, 2010
M.S., Animal Science/Swine Nutrition, University of Minnesota, 2006
D.V.M. (eqv.), Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2003
Research Interests
Sustainability of pork production by increasing utilization of abundant and sustainable sources of feed ingredients through evaluation of nutritional and physiological requirements.
Improvement of nutritional utilization of alternative feed ingredients in diets for growing pigs.
Nutritional evaluation of industrial co-products, especially with distillers dried grains with solubles, focusing on multiple aspects of energy, amino acids, phosphorus, and dietary fiber.
Management and control of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus transmission.
Updated CV 10-Oct-2019