Peiqiang Yu

University of Saskatchewan - Canada Author

SAF Research Chair
Synchrotron Applications, Feed Science and Nutrition, Feed Research and Development.
Feed Research at Cellular and Molecular Levels

Department of Animal & Poultry Science
College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Room 6D10, Agriculture Building
51 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8

Research Interests
" Synchrotron applications, Nutrition, Feed Research and Development, Feed Science and Technology, Feed Chemistry, Feed Processing and Treatments, Nutrient Modeling, Feed Research at Cellular and Molecular Levels.

Professional Affiliations
" Editor (Nutrition Section), Animal: A Major New International Journal of Animal Bioscience [offical journal for BSAS (UK), INRA (France) and EAAP (European Federation)}.
" Editorial Board, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
" Editorial Board, Asian-Australiasian Journal Animal Science (AJAS)
" Editorial Board, Archives of Animal Nutrition
" Editorial Board, Animal Science Journal
" Member, American Society of Animal Science
" Member, American Dairy Science Association
" Member, Canadian Society of Animal Science
" CLS Panel of External Experts, Peer Review Committee of Canadian Light Source (CLS), March 2007-March 2010.
" International Advisory Committee (IAC), International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH) (Sep 22, 2007-Sept 2011)

Updated CV 13-Apr-2011

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Bernard Osei Bonsu  Buffers User Bernard Osei Bonsu Buffers Ghana 1 Followers
Dimitis Isaias Veterinary practitioner/consultant Dimitis Isaias Cyprus
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Jennifer Mirra Education/research Jennifer Mirra United States 3 Followers
Jeantil Mariano Education/research Jeantil Mariano Philippines
Gang Qiu Education/research Gang Qiu China
AZORY MBUMA Veterinary practitioner/consultant AZORY MBUMA Tanzania 2 Publications 4 Followers
Ann Wachira Education/research Ann Wachira Kenya 1 Followers
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