Piero da Silva Agostini

Animal and Food Science Department, UAB - Spain Author

He finished his grade in Veterinary Medicine at the Provincial University of Londrina (Brazil), where he also obtained a Master's degree in Animal Science from the Animal Husbandry Department in 2008. During the Master's degree he studied the effects of the use of different inclusions of ractopamine in compound feeds for fattening pigs on the performance, carcass and meat quality, blood parameters and welfare. After finishing his Master's degree he moved to Barcelona where he was investigation assistant at the Monogastric Animals Nutrition Service (SNiBA), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) for a year, collaborating in different projects between the university and companies. In October 2009 he started his PhD studies in Animal Production at the Animal and Food Science Department at the UAB after obtaining the grant of the Spanish International Cooperation Agency for The Development (AECID), and this is the position he holds currently. In his doctorate, whose end is expected in February 2013, he studies the effect of the different production factors that limit the fattening of pigs under commercial conditions in farms integrated under different Spanish companies of the pig sector. In November 2011 he carried out a doctoral stay for three months at the School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine of the University College Dublin (Ireland). His main interest is in monogastric animals, mainly in the matters related with the handling, management and nutrition. He has published 11 articles in indexed journals, two in applied journals and 25 papers in national and international conferences. He has also participated as an investigator in a joint project between Spain and Brazil financed by the Education Ministries of both countries.

Updated CV 05-Dec-2012

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