Ramon Gatnau

Spain Author
Professional experience

Ramon is currently Managing Director and founding partner at Molimen and had served previously as Managing Director at Albet and Buisiness Unit Director at Cargill, Ralston Purina Eurpe, American Protein Europe. He served as Product Manager at Gallina Blanca Purina (Agrolimen Group) and he has had R&D Responsibilities at Ralston Purina Europe and Iowa State University. He started as Veterinary assistant at Corporació Agroalimentaria de Guissona and later as independent veterinarian. He has worked in the US, South America and Europe as well and currently works from Barcelona.

Academic background

Ramon holds a PDG (General Management) from IESE Business School, a Ph.D. from Iowa State University in Animal Nutrition and a DVM from University of Zaragoza in Animal production and Economics

Updated CV 16-Feb-2011


Use of plant extracts in swine

The swine production industry has a growing interest in the use of essential oils. Essential oils are products of complex origin. They have antimicrobial and antioxidant effects, they stimulate appetite and intestinal secretions and they are even immunostimulants.
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09-Aug-2011marisol a. roseli've been wondering of the other applications of plant extract. Is it possible to use plant extracts to treat the contaminants in wastewater or sludge? and what would be the effect if this plant extract is added to microbes. what will happen? Thanks

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