Raúl C. Mainar Jaime
Unit of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Saragossa - Spain AuthorHe obtained his degree in Veterinary Medicine/Science from the University of Saragossa in 1989. PhD in Veterinary Medicine/Science from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (1995) and Graduate from the European Veterinary Public Health School since 2004. He has worked as an investigator and professor at the universities of California (USA), Leon (Spain), and Saskatchewan (Canada), at the Agri-Food Investigation and Technology Centre (CITA) of the Government of Aragon, and currently at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Science at the University of Saragossa. He has specialised in veterinary epidemiology and is interested in the implementation of new epidemiologic tools for the study of the transmission of animal zoonotic diseases under field conditions. He has participated in a dozen of research projects and he is the author of more than 30 scientific research articles and many veterinary science informative articles. Currently he develops several research works on the dynamics of infection and the diagnosis of swine salmonellosis.
Updated CV 02-Sep-2013