Rex Walters
Livestock Genetics Ltd - United Kingdom AuthorRex Walters is a leading pig geneticist.
He studied Animal Science at Wye College (Imperial, University of London) and then stayed on to complete a Master of Philosophy by research in pig genetics. This was followed by a Doctorate in 1984. He spent four years lecturing and doing research, followed by appointment as Livestock Geneticist with the multinational Unilever Agribusiness Group. He then became Technical Director of one of the global Pig Breeding Companies. For more than a decade he has operated an independent consultancy (Livestock Genetics Ltd.) in livestock breeding and genetics with key clients in Asia, Australia, Europe and South America.
Rex is an adviser to several national and international organisations (including the British Pig Association) and is an appointed expert and monitor in livestock breeding and biotechnology to the European Commission in Brussels.
Rex has published, or presented, more than 150 papers on pig breeding and genetics and is a regular invited contributor to international seminars and conferences. He is particularly interested in the practical exploitation of genetics and genetic conservation
Updated CV 30-Jan-2013