Rosil Lizardo
Pig nutrition investigator at the IRTA (Food and Agriculture Research and Technology Institute) - Spain AuthorPig nutrition investigator at the IRTA (Food and Agriculture Research and Technology Institute)
Rosil Lizardo is an Agronomist from the “Universidade de Évora” (Portugal). He is also a postgraduate and holds a Master’s degree in Animal Production from the Mediterranean Agronomy Institute of Saragossa, which pertains to the CIHEAM. He also holds a university degree (DAA / DEA) from the “École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes” (France), and he owns a PhD in Biology/Agronomy from the “Université de Rennes I”.
He carried out the research works conducive to the obtaining of these degrees in the “ex-Station de Recherches Porcines” pertaining to the INRA (France), and they dealt with the piglets nutrition and digestive physiology. Afterwards, he also carried out a postgraduate degree in the same research centre (UMRVP), pertaining to the INRA, on the modelling of the growth of the pig.
When he finished his career in Portugal, he worked as a technician – salesperson for the companies Purina S.A. and Cargill S.A., and afterwards as a Pig production assistant teacher at the Animal Husbandry area at the University of the Azores (Portugal). Since year 2001 he is a researcher in pig nutrition at the Animal Nutrition Department at the IRTA, in Spain.
Among other projects he is in charge of the project for the implementation of “the liquid feeding of pigs”. Apart from this project, the areas he shows more interest for are: “the interaction between the nutrition and the quality of meat”, “the digestive use of nutrients”, “the alternatives (prebiotics, probiotics, acidifiers, enzymes) to the growth-promoting antibiotics (GPAs) in piglets”, “the influence of the electrolytic balance”, “the development of substances with an immunostimulating potential” and “the modelling of the growth”.
Updated CV 20-May-2014