Sergio López Soria

Animal Health Research Centre (CReSA) - Spain Author

Sergio López Soria was born in Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) in 1977 and became a DVM from the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2001. In 2010 he obtained his diploma from the European College of Porcine Health Management. He started his research career in 2002 in the Animal Health Department at the UAB, studying epidemiologic aspects of the porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). Since 2003 he is part of the Centre de Recerca de Sanitat Animal (CReSA, Animal Health Research Centre), where he has participated in more that 100 preclinical and clinical tests with biological, pharmacological and nutraceutical products intended for veterinary use; as well as in 10 national and 3 European projects associated with animal health in livestock species.

As a result of his research activity he is co-author of 20 articles published in international journals (11 of them related to the PCV2), and totals 49 contributions in congresses.

Updated CV 14-May-2013

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07-Mar-2018Marius Opreain my opinion, sow blanket vaccination against PCV2 will have a big impact in pigs vaccination against PCV2. Some farmers are happy that are vaccinating all the sows at once, but they forget about piglets that are born from those sows. Depending on status of sows at vaccination time (lactation or various age of gestation) piglets will have different levels of MDA and it is mandatory to make ELISA checking before vaccination
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24-Mar-2017chtouchweak 2 or 3 or..... for vaccination? not clear identification
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05-Jan-2015Alex EggenThank you for this interesting paper. It is important to continue to stress that PCV2 related economic damage is a gradual scale. Pork producers often do not realise that by optimising their PCV2 protection protocol that they can have an even higher return on their investment. Secondly the CoV that you point out is equally important. Uniformity is a key element in our industry nowadays. The postive effect that PCV2 vaccination has on the level of uniformity and therewith the reduction in time needed to empty a barn, makes PCV2 vaccines a management tool!
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