Simon Grey

Over-c-farm - United Kingdom Author

Simon Grey grew up on a small family farm in West Wales. Studied General Agriculture in Aberystwyth. Started pig career as a graduate trainee for PIC. Worked for PIC, Cotswold and Newsham Hybrid Pigs as Nucleus Unit Manager.

1995 Technical Manager, Newsham Hybrid Pigs supporting production and sales. Introduced batch farrowing and Big Pen systems to the UK.

1997 Technical Manager AM Warkup. Britain’s leading turnkey pig building specialists.

2000 Production Director Prima Farms, Poland. In 5 years went from 2,000 to 50,000 sows both company owned and contracted. Preparation of budgets, farm design, construction supervision, pig production, staff training, financial reporting.

2005 Managing Director Checkfarm Consulting Ltd, worldwide pig business management consultancy specialising in Eastern Europe and Russia. Preparation of business plans for both new business’s and business’s wishing to modernise. Farm design to optimise output both new build and reconstruction. Start up management, providing managers to work alongside local managers training staff and controlling farm until in full production. Production and management training. General business and management consultancy and trouble shooting

Updated CV 16-Feb-2011

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31-Mar-2021Friederike SchmelzInteresting to read here, that improvements of animal keeping and animal welfare is discredited here.
Interesting also to read about the "overreaction" of western countries in the Covid crisis. The other way around it could be interpreted as very transparent and well working health system which is able to save lifes and treat humans with dignity.

Russia needs to become cost competitive

This means looking at ‘whole business decisions’, being able to do good calculations that take into account all production factors. Taking decisions on single traits, like born alive, have no place in a modern effective pig industry.

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Pig production in Russia

The vast majority of new farms are fully integrated with land to produce feed ingredients and for slurry disposal, feed manufacture, farms, slaughter and processing.
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07-Apr-2018ponto.jasonI'd like to send you my resume for jobs in Russia, the Urals area.

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