Insect larvae as a protein source for pig feed – What’s the future?
The pros, cons, and current limitations of using black soldier fly larvae as an alternative protein source.
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Steven McOrist graduated as a veterinary surgeon and worked at diagnostic laboratories for farm animals in Australia, then he transferred to a PhD in the U.K. and continued as the senior researcher and team leader in the pig ileitis program. This team was the first to successfully culture the aetiological agent, to name the causative agent Lawsonia intracellularis, the first to fulfill Koch’s postulates. He later served as the director of veterinary and technical services for the Asian-Australian agribusiness group, QAF (Bunge) Industries, focusing on swine production. He has worked in academia with Associate Professorship roles in the USA and UK, where he taught microbiology, enteric diseases and swine medicine. He returned to full-time pig and consultancy work in Asia-Pacific, based in Hong Kong and Melbourne. He performs technical management roles and consultancies with Australian, Chinese, Filipino and European pig agribusiness groups. He has published extensively on pig diseases, including guidebooks on pig diseases and the standard textbook, Diseases of Swine.
Updated CV 17-Oct-2018
The pros, cons, and current limitations of using black soldier fly larvae as an alternative protein source.
This clinical case describes how, after discovering large numbers of dead and dying pigs in the sheds over a 4-day period, an expert team of veterinarians diagnosed African Swine Fever.
The current situation for PED is that of continual occurrence of moderate to severe outbreaks in many pig farms, across Asia, USA and elsewhere, on both naïve farms and those that have suffered previous episodes.
At autopsy of some affected pigs, the soft gelatinous oedema was evident in the eyelids, but also in the meso-colonic area of the spiral colon.
Post-weaning colibacillosis and oedema disease are common global infection among farmed pigs – these strains of E coli appear to be "embedded" in most pig farms, so elimination is not a current option. Vaccination of sows or gilts with ETEC vaccines has no effect on post-weaning E. coli infections.
This article will focus on clinical signs of some E coli infections: neonatal colibacillosis, post-weaning colibacillosis diarrhoea and oedema disease.
The first cause of PCV vaccine failure is the purchase and use of generic vaccine of low quality and titre, but the exact cause of the failures can occur in various forms.
On the finisher sites, the farmer noticed that the growing pigs in all the farm sheds had become dull and lame.
Control of outbreaks on problem farms in Asia remains an attempt to raise herd immunity by use of live virus feedback material. However, the current outbreaks have shown only transient herd immunity with these programs.
The pen and farm charts indicated a rapid jump to 40 % mortality in several finisher sheds over one to 2 weeks.
The pig farm management team in charge of the post-weaned piglet nursery areas on these wean-to-finish sites has found serious problems with diarrhoea in recent batches of piglets arriving from the breeding farms.
The “normal” sporadic and unexplained abortion rate in pigs is approximately 1 to 2 % of pigs that are mated and achieve a pregnancy.
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