Susanne Kirwan
Global & Regional Technical Service Manager Health and Product Manager - Kemin Industries - Germany AuthorEducation
- Current cand. MSc - University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2008 University of Aberdeen, Scotland, PhD
- 2004 University of Hohenheim, Germany, MSc
- Subject: Animal Production & Agricultural Economics
- April 2020 – current: Global & Regional Technical Service Manager Health and product Manager Kemin Industries, Des Moines, Iowa.
- Nov 2015 – Aug 2016: Technical Sales and product Development, Dr. Eckel GmbH, Germany.
- Nov 2005-Sep 2006: Scientist (Microbiology) Galilee Society, Shefa-Amr, Palestine/Israel.
- Sep 2004-Aug 2005: Technical Consultant (Parent stock Management), Heritage Nigeria, Lagos Nigeria.
Updated CV 10-Dec-2024
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