Yuzhi Li
University of Minnesota - United States AuthorDr. Yuzhi Li is an associate professor of swine behavior and welfare at the University of Minnesota’s West Central Research and Outreach Center, located in Morris, Minnesota, USA. Her research focuses on feeder space and floor space allowance for pigs, understanding slow growth and tail biting in pigs, management of group-housed gestating sows, and automated monitoring of swine behaviors. Dr. Li’s extension programs focus on swine management in different housing systems and improving the performance and welfare of swine in organic and alternative housing systems. Dr. Li has published dozens of articles in peer-reviewed journals relating to swine behavior, welfare, and management.
Dr. Yuzhi Li earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in animal science from Shenyang Agricultural University and Northeast Agricultural University in China, respectively. She obtained her PhD in animal bioenergetics at Hiroshima University in Japan. She researched swine behavior and welfare at the Prairie Swine Center in Saskatchewan in Canada before joining the University of Minnesota in 2005.
Updated CV 03-Aug-2020