10th Annual NIAA Antibiotic Symposium

Join fellow leaders from animal, human, and environmental health for the 10th Annual NIAA (National Institute for Animal Agriculture ) Antibiotic Symposium. This year's planning team has created an agenda that will allow leaders dedicated to One Health to learn, collaborate, and develop solutions as, together, we all become better stewards of antibiotics while combating antimicrobial resistance.
The 2020 Symposium - Animals, Humans, and the Planet ... Vital for our Future, will feature updates on the latest research on antibiotic stewardship, antimicrobial resistance and alternatives within human, animal - both farm and companion, and environmental health. Leaders participating in Symposium also will receive updates on global issues affecting U.S. animal agriculture and engage in conversations about how to better share information on antibiotic stewardship and antimicrobial resistance with a variety of audiences.