
Page 9 of Events for the year 2020 in the 333 Events Schedule

CIPORC PERÚ 2020CIPORC PERÚ 20201Jul20202020-07-013Jul20202020-07-03Centro de Convenciones de Lima, Peru Google
Recent Advances in Animal Welfare Science VII - CANCELLEDRecent Advances in Animal Welfare Science VII - CANCELLED1Jul20202020-07-012020-07-01University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Google
Pig Focus Asia 2020 - PostponedPig Focus Asia 2020 - Postponed7Jul20202020-07-078Jul20202020-07-08Avani Sukhumvit Bangkok Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand Google
VICTAM Asia 2020 - CANCELLEDVICTAM Asia 2020 - CANCELLED9Jul20202020-07-0911Jul20202020-07-11BITEC - Bangkok, Thailand, Thailand Google
National Pork Industry Conference (NPIC) - PostponedNational Pork Industry Conference (NPIC) - Postponed12Jul20202020-07-1215Jul20202020-07-15Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI, United States Google
LIV AMVEC 2020 - Postponed til 2021LIV AMVEC 2020 - Postponed til 202114Jul20202020-07-1417Jul20202020-07-17Cintermex, Monterrey, Mexico Google
XX Congreso International Porkaméricas - Postponed til 2021XX Congreso International Porkaméricas - Postponed til 202115Jul20202020-07-1517Jul20202020-07-17Centro de Convenciones y Exposiciones Las Américas, Cartagena, Colombia Google