
Page 13 of Events for the year 2021 in the 333 Events Schedule

Livestock Malaysia 2021 - PostponedLivestock Malaysia 2021 - Postponed24Aug20212021-08-2426Aug20212021-08-26Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC), Malaysia Google
Feria TecnoCárnicos Andina 2021 - PostponedFeria TecnoCárnicos Andina 2021 - Postponed30Aug20212021-08-3031Aug20212021-08-31Hotel SHERATON Bogotá, Colombia Google
72nd Annual Meeting of EAAP72nd Annual Meeting of EAAP30Aug20212021-08-303Sep20212021-09-03Davos Klosters, Switzerland Google
Guangdong International Animal Husbandry ExhibitionGuangdong International Animal Husbandry Exhibition8Sep20212021-09-0810Sep20212021-09-10Poly World Trade Expo Center, China Google
ESVCN 2021ESVCN 20218Sep20212021-09-0811Sep20212021-09-11Online, Portugal Google
USDA African Swine Fever Action Week WebinarsUSDA African Swine Fever Action Week Webinars13Sep20212021-09-1317Sep20212021-09-17Online, United States Google
SPACE 2021SPACE 202114Sep20212021-09-1417Sep20212021-09-17Parc-Expo, Rennes, France Google