
Page 4 of Europe, Events for the year 2020 in the 333 Events Schedule

SFR Online Swine SeminarSFR Online Swine Seminar27May20202020-05-272020-05-27ONLINE, Netherlands Google
Feria de la Industria Cárnica (FIC) 2020 - PostponedFeria de la Industria Cárnica (FIC) 2020 - Postponed2Jun20202020-06-025Jun20202020-06-05Recinto Ferial de Guijuelo, Salamanca, Spain Google
Smart Agrifood Summit 2020 - PostponedSmart Agrifood Summit 2020 - Postponed18Jun20202020-06-1819Jun20202020-06-19FYCMA – Fair Trade and Congress Center of Málaga, Spain Google
Int. Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Vet. Med. - PostponedInt. Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Vet. Med. - Postponed30Jun20202020-06-303Jul20202020-07-03Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Brussles, Belgium Google
Recent Advances in Animal Welfare Science VII - CANCELLEDRecent Advances in Animal Welfare Science VII - CANCELLED1Jul20202020-07-012020-07-01University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Google