European Livestock Voice Debate

In a jungle of labels, what is driving animal welfare practices?
Animal welfare is an essential preoccupation for all actors in the livestock sector, as well as for consumers, and has led to debates at various levels, both national and European, including in the Farm to Fork strategy. As a consequence, various policies, standards and labelling schemes have sprouted from different sources like producers, NGOs, national or EU institutions… This debate will look at the impact on actual animal welfare and consumer confidence.
We are pleased to confirm the following speakers:
Denis Simonin, Head of Animal Welfare Sector, DG SANTE
Peter Sandøe, Bio Ethicist, University of Copenhagen
Trine Vig Tamstorf, Danish Agriculture & Food Council
Inès Grenho Ajuda, Eurogroup for Animals
Moderator: Florence Ranson, REDComms