IPIC Sow Summit

Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University has decided to host a new conference, the Iowa Pork Industry Center Sow Summit! The purpose of this 1-day conference is to discuss current research that is poised to influence sow farm productivity in addition to discussion of emerging topics that sow farms are particularly affected by. The second of this biennial event will be held in Ames, Iowa at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center on Wednesday November 1, 2023. This will be a single day program that will have a morning plenary session and two afternoon concurrent sessions, an applied session and a research session, focusing on the sow. The idea of this conference is to have a centralized venue to bring our industry cutting edge information in sow reproduction, sow farm management and information that can be quickly implemented. Our target audience is sow farm owners, operators, and managers; as well as allied industry partners seeking current and relevant information for U.S. sow farms.