
ISU James D. McKean Swine Disease Conference

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ISU James D. McKean Swine Disease Conference

A hybrid meeting, with options for attendees to attend a live meeting (in accordance with ISU COVID-19 guidelines) or join the meeting virtually. The program will be consolidated into 1 day event.

This year’s meeting will continue to focus on issues that are important to swine veterinarians and producers in these challenging times. We will continue our focus on the continuing threat of African Swine Fever by featuring Dr. Douglas Gladue from USDA-APHIS to discuss their groundbreaking work on African Swine Fever vaccine candidates and improved diagnostics as well as USDA funded Swine Health Improvement Plan, in response to a potential foreign animal disease event.

The program will also feature lessons learned on depopulation method, carcass disposal methodologies and nutritional adjustments that were made in response to the COVID19 supply chain interruptions earlier this year and what the market outlook will be going forward.

We will also learn more about our improvements in PRRS and syndromic disease surveillance using data collected from our world class Veterinary Diagnostic Lab.

We will also cover the most recent updates in terms of antimicrobial resistance and what that might mean for swine veterinarians and producers going forward. We will also hear on research updates and case studies on emerging pathogens as well.