
Page 2 of Latin America, Events for the year 2021 in the 333 Events Schedule

TecnoCarne 2021TecnoCarne 202122Jun20212021-06-2225Jun20212021-06-25Online, Brazil Google
XIII SINSUIXIII SINSUI6Jul20212021-07-068Jul20212021-07-08Online, Brazil Google
SIAVS 2021 - PostponedSIAVS 2021 - Postponed3Aug20212021-08-035Aug20212021-08-05Expo Center Norte São Paulo, Brazil Google
LIV AMVEC 2021LIV AMVEC 20213Aug20212021-08-036Aug20212021-08-06Online, Mexico Google
Feria TecnoCárnicos Andina 2021 - PostponedFeria TecnoCárnicos Andina 2021 - Postponed30Aug20212021-08-3031Aug20212021-08-31Hotel SHERATON Bogotá, Colombia Google
XX Congreso International PorkaméricasXX Congreso International Porkaméricas15Sep20212021-09-1517Sep20212021-09-17Centro de Convenciones y Exposiciones Las Américas, Cartagena, Colombia Google
Expomeat 2021 - PostponedExpomeat 2021 - Postponed21Sep20212021-09-2123Sep20212021-09-23Pavilhão de Exposições Anhembi - São Paulo, Brazil Google